Digital Kitchen: NFDI4Bioimage | ScaDS.AI

Digital Kitchen: NFDI4Bioimage | ScaDS.AI


14. März 2024


13:00 – 14:00
Vortragende: Dr. Robert Haase
Moderation: Pia Voigt
Thema: Cultivating Open Training (The talk will be held in English)


In this Digital Kitchen Dr. Robert Haase will introduce the challenges and potential solutions his colleagues at NFDI4BioImage and ScaDS.AI are working on.
Knowledge transfer plays a key-role in the digital age. New technologies arise frequently, in particular in artificial intelligence and data science. These techniques change the way how we interact with data on a rolling basis. Training materials we produced yesterday might be outdated when we repeat the same training in just one year. Thus, a key-challenge is to share the effort in making state-of-the-art training materials and making them FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Die Veranstaltung findet virtuell über Zoom statt. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht nötig. 
Meeting-ID: 647 9588 0929
Kenncode: 918383
Schnelleinwahl mobil +496971049922,,64795880929# Deutschland