Digital Kitchen: How I implement operational DMP 

Digital Kitchen: How I implement operational DMP 


13. Juni 2024


13:00 – 14:00

Stefano Della Chiesa

Jana Sonnenstuhl

How I implement operational DMP 

Traditional data management plans (DMPs) often fail to meet FAIR output objectives due to their standalone, disentangled nature. This contribution will present an approach that prioritizes a bottom-up, researcher-project-centric perspective integrating research data management (RDM) into project management frameworks. By emphasizing project objectives and various research outputs, the Research Output Management Planning (ROMPi) empowers researchers to navigate RDM best practices, meet project goals, and ensure the delivery of research outputs that are in compliance with funder requirements.
The talk will be held in English.


Anmeldung zur SaxFDM-Digital Kitchen